Meditation Classes
Introduction to Meditation
This course is for those who have not meditated before and for those who may have had a break from meditation and would like to re-establish a practice again. Meditation classes relieve stress and brings the practitioner to a calmer and more peaceful mental space.
A basic practice is taught in this course with interesting simple practices to augment this. The simple practices include breathing techniques for calming the mind and body, visualisation and mantra.

Ongoing Meditation Classes
This class is for those who have meditated previously. Each week we are meditating and exploring a different theme with some discussion. The practice of meditation brings us to the realms of the spiritual where we become calmer and more peaceful. These uplifting feelings and thoughts filter through into our daily lives.
Some of the themes explored in this ongoing class are: Knowing the nature of the true Self, the true nature of conditions, factors that makeup self-esteem and exploring Awareness.
Please contact for a current Timetable of classes, times and Payments.
Glenda's Education
Diploma of Yoga – International Yoga Teachers Association (IYTA)
Masters of Counselling
B.A. Monash University with two majors – History/Politics & Sociology
Certificate IV –Life Coaching
Certificate IV – Business Management
Certificate IV- Training and Assessment (TAE)